Remedial instruction aims to improve a skill or ability in each student. Using various techniques, such a more practice or explanation, repeating the information and devoting more time to working on the skills, the teachers guide each student through the educational process. A student that might, for example, have a low reading level might be given remediation on a one on one basis, phonic instruction and practice reading text aloud.
Any teacher with a bachelors degree in education can join a course on Special Education. There are many collegiate institutions that offer bachelors and masters degree programs in special education. Many organization offer short term programs to aid teachers in becoming more specialized in the area of special education. The most advisable course for those seeking to aid children with learning disabilities is to join courses that last for up to a year.
Special education instructors work with youths and children with a wide range of disabilities. A small percentage of these special education teachers work with students with mental retardation or autism and primarily teach them life skills and basic competency. The majority of special education teachers work with youths with mild to moderate learning disabilities. They use the general education curriculum and modify it to meet each child’s individual needs. Most special education instruction teach students at the elementary, middle and secondary levels., though there are some teachers for infants and toddlers. Special education programs provide instruction for specific learning difficulties and disabilities, such as speech and language impairments, emotional disturb ands, hearing and visual impairments, autism and other health impairments. Students are tested and listed under of one of the categories and then paired with teachers that are prepared to work with each group. One of the most critical steps in aiding children with learning disabilities is early detection and intervention and most special education teachers are well qualified to aid the students in overcoming their disabilities.
Special education teachers use various techniques to promote learning. Depending on the disability, teaching methods can include individualized instruction, problem-solving assignments, and small group work. When students need special accommodations in order to take a test, special education teachers see that appropriate ones are provided, such as having the questions read orally or lengthening the time allowed to take the test. Special education teachers help to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each special education student. The IEP sets personalized goals for each student and is tailored to the student’s individual needs and ability. Teachers work closely with parents to inform them of their child’s progress and suggest techniques to promote learning at home. They are involved in the students’ behavioral, social, and academic development, helping the students develop emotionally, feel comfortable in social situations, and be aware of socially acceptable behavior. Special education teachers communicate and work together with parents, social workers, school psychologists, speech therapists, occupational and physical therapists, school administrators, and other teachers.
Educators specializing in Special Education use varied techniques to help promote learning. While each child and their disability is different there are standard methods that can aid both the student and the teacher. Some of the most common of these are individualized instruction, problem solving assignments and working in small groups. If a student needs special accommodations to take a test, special education teachers provide the appropriate assistance, such as extending the time needed to take the test or reading the questions aloud. Special education instructors help to organize an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student. The IEP sets goals geared specifically for each students needs and ability.

- Sitemap
- Special Education Dictionary
- ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
- AMAO – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
- APD – Auditory Processing Disorder in Children
- CST – Child Study Team
- EHA – Education for All Handicapped Children Act
- FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education
- IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IDEIA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
- IEP – Individual Education Plan
- IHCP – Individualized Health Care Plan
- LD – Learning Disabled
- LDT-C – Learning Disabilities Consultants
- LRE – Least Restrictive Environment
- ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- OHI – Other Health Impairments
- PWN – Prior Written Notice
- RTI – Response to Intervention
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