Computers like laptops and desktops are a common sight in classrooms nowadays and children are being taught using various computer programs. However, special education schools are now starting to see the effectiveness of using iPods as part of educational tools. IPods contain so many programs that can interest special education students. This can help special education students learn music as well as art and games that will stimulate their reflexes.The iPod touch can now be used to store thousands of songs, games, photos and contact information as well as bookmarks and calendars. Children with special needs can easily browse data. Teachers can use this for entertainment purposes and they can easily grab the attention of children due to the games that are present inside that can be used creatively to teach students. iPods for TestsStudents with learning disabilities can find help when taking their tests using an iPod. The colorful interface would make the test less stressful. The students can touch the iPod screen and see the text and they can also listen to the test questions using earphones. They do not have to face the task on a manual level. They can find help.The technology of the iPod allows the children to have their own pace of learning and hitting the button. They can also repeat the questions if they were not able to catch the first one and teachers can use and create special tests using iPods to make the classroom set up easier.Students with disabilities can feel normal because they can take the test together with their peers, they do not have to be separated from them and they can easily use the device in order to increase their learning capacity. They can regain their self-esteem as well as their self-confidence in the school. A lot of schools are now allowing the use of iPods as a learning tool. They can also use this during standardized testing. In the state of Iowa, teachers are now using the idea of iPods as a form of assistive technology as a way to improve their fluency in reading and speaking skills.

- Sitemap
- Special Education Dictionary
- ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
- AMAO – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
- APD – Auditory Processing Disorder in Children
- CST – Child Study Team
- EHA – Education for All Handicapped Children Act
- FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education
- IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IDEIA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
- IEP – Individual Education Plan
- IHCP – Individualized Health Care Plan
- LD – Learning Disabled
- LDT-C – Learning Disabilities Consultants
- LRE – Least Restrictive Environment
- ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- OHI – Other Health Impairments
- PWN – Prior Written Notice
- RTI – Response to Intervention
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