Introduced into school systems around the world in 1975, the IEP or Individual Education Plan, makes it so that every student with a disability of one kind or another whether it be a learning disability or physical disability, has an equal opportunity to get the same education as every other student. Just with modifications to fit each child’s disability and learning style. This could mean any one or more of several things. The student can be allowed more time to work on specific assignments in special classroom time which used to be called the Resource Room, which is basically like a study hall type environment for students with Special Needs. Another option that some families choose, is doing the course work, that is normally done in four years in five years. This allows the student to have a lighter course load to make it less intimidating and stressful.
The IEP, needs to contain several very specific and detailed things. It should clearly explain the best way that the student learns, the way or ways that the student shows his or her full potential, and how best to support and encourage his or her educational goals.
The IEP, can be modified whenever necessary as long as all parties are advised of the modifications and agree with them. In addition to the school curriculum, also in most IEP’s is what is referred to as a Behavioral Plan. This is a legally binding contract between the student, parents, school or school district staff, Mental Health Counselors, Pediatricians and Physicians. If this is not followed by one or more people involved in this contract, it can be looked at in a Court of Law and depending on if any part of the contract was violated, charges could be filed by any member or members of the contract. Upon determining that the student is a good candidate for the IEP, the school has thirty days to develop the individual student’s IEP.

- Sitemap
- Special Education Dictionary
- ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
- AMAO – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
- APD – Auditory Processing Disorder in Children
- CST – Child Study Team
- EHA – Education for All Handicapped Children Act
- FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education
- IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IDEIA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
- IEP – Individual Education Plan
- IHCP – Individualized Health Care Plan
- LD – Learning Disabled
- LDT-C – Learning Disabilities Consultants
- LRE – Least Restrictive Environment
- ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- OHI – Other Health Impairments
- PWN – Prior Written Notice
- RTI – Response to Intervention
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